“Bid Farewell to Microsoft’s Windows 11 and Embrace Nitrux Linux 3.4.0 ‘pl’ – The Superior Choice”

“Bid Farewell to Microsoft’s Windows 11 and Embrace Nitrux Linux 3.4.0 ‘pl’ – The Superior Choice”

Explore the Exciting World of Linux with Nitrux 3.4.0 “pl”

Are you tired of the limitations and issues of Microsoft Windows 11? If yes, then it’s time to break free and unlock a more powerful alternative – Nitrux 3.4.0 “pl”. This latest release promises to revolutionize your computing experience with its cutting-edge features and robust support.

Get Ready for a Refreshing Change

The heart of Nitrux 3.4.0 “pl” is the Linux 6.7.11-1 (Liquorix) kernel, providing a stable and secure foundation for your system. With the latest software updates, bug fixes, and performance improvements, Nitrux is ready to offer you an exceptional user experience right out of the box.

What’s New in Nitrux 3.4.0 “pl”

  • Firefox updated to version 124.0.1
  • MauiKit, MauiKit Frameworks, and Maui Apps updated to version 3.3.0
  • Nitrux Update Tool System updated to version 2.1.3, with a new warning feature for NVIDIA hardware detection
  • Updated linux-firmware package with support for various drivers including AMD Radeon GPUs, Intel graphics processors, and more
  • Distrobox updated to version and Touchegg to version 2.0.17
  • AMD Open Source Driver for Vulkan updated to version v-2024.Q1.3
  • Enhancements to the NX Desktop utility and custom pages for the Plasma System Monitor
  • New components introduced – saferm, ethtool, Powercap, and GeoClue

Note: The Agenda (Calendar Maui App) has been removed due to stability issues.

Addressing Issues for a Seamless Experience

Nitrux 3.4.0 “pl” has also fixed several issues, including those with the USB multiplexor daemon service script and Tor service script. However, users should be aware that the Plasma System Monitor will not report GPU data in a virtual machine environment.

Breaking Away from the Traditional

In a significant shift, Nitrux has parted ways with packages provided by the KDE Neon developers. Instead, all Plasma, KDE Frameworks, and Qt packages now come directly from Debian. As a result, users are encouraged to follow the alternative update method outlined in the Nitrux tutorial.

The Ultimate Choice for a Better Computing Experience

With Nitrux 3.4.0 “pl”, you can finally break free from the constraints of Windows 11. With its advanced features, strong support, and active development, Nitrux is a sure bet to elevate your computing experience. Download the ISO now and experience the power of Nitrux!

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Source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiNmh0dHBzOi8vYmV0YW5ld3MuY29tLzIwMjQvMDQvMDEvbml0cnV4LWxpbnV4LTMtNC0wLXBsL9IBAA?oc=5